2024-2025 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP): The intention of the Placerville Union School District is to provide a safe and supportive environment where students will access academic and enrichment services beyond that which is offered during the regular school day. PUSD will coordinate with the Boy's and Girls' club of the El Dorado Western Slope and the El Dorado County Office of Education Extended Day program to ensure that all the qualifying students grades TK-6, whose parents would like to utilize the 9-Hour program have access to one of the programs offered. For more information, download the full brochure at https://www.pusdk8.us/page/elop
5 months ago, Placerville Union School District
Breakfast served Monday-Friday at all School Sites (FREE for ALL students!) https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=1489682824614&page=goodbreakfast
about 1 year ago, Placerville Union School District
NEW Preferred Substitute Teacher Rate: At the PUSD Governing Board Meeting on October 18, 2023 the Board voted in favor of the preferred Substitute Teacher Rates. A substitute becomes a preferred substitute after 5 successful days working within the Placerville Union School District. Regular Rate - Half-Day Rate: $ 75 / Full Day Rate: $150 Proposed Preferred Rate - Half-Day Rate: $100 / Full Day Rate: $200 Retired teachers will automatically receive the preferred substitute rate.
over 1 year ago, Placerville Union School District
ALL PUSD SCHOOLS CLOSED MARCH 1st DUE TO POWER OUTAGE Good Morning Placerville Families, As many of you know most of Placerville is without power with no estimation of when power will be restored. All schools in PUSD are without power at this time. Also many of the roads in the outlying areas are extremely icy and would be very difficult for our busses to run. With both of these issues we will have to close school today Wednesday March 1st. We apologize for this change in plans but are hoping to have power restored and roads in much better shape so that we can safely be open tomorrow. Have a nice day. Eric Bonniksen
almost 2 years ago, Placerville Union School District
Today Feb. 24th all schools in the Placerville School District will be on a one hour delay start. All schools will start one hour later than normal and all bus runs will be one hour later.
almost 2 years ago, Placerville Union School District
"Due to the power outage effecting most of Placerville, PUSD will be on a one hour delay start. All schools will be starting one hour later than normal and all bus routes will run one hour later than normal. We are currently in contact with PG&E to assess the situation. If anything changes we will notify you immediately. " - Eric Bonniksen
about 2 years ago, Phoebe Fox
Click here for Snow Day Info: https://5il.co/1ltnx
about 2 years ago, Phoebe Fox
See attached flyer for information regarding FREE parenting classes through Catalyst Community. https://5il.co/1kdd1
about 2 years ago, Bethany Bowers
Active Parenting - FREE Classes
https://www.edjoin.org/pusdk8 PUSD is looking to fill a few positions for the coming school year. Paraeducator at Schnell School Yard Duty at Sierra, Schnell and Markham Parent Liaison District Wide Please follow the attached link or log onto edjoin.com to apply. https://www.edjoin.org/pusdk8
over 2 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
Boys & Girls Club will be closed Tuesday May 31st
over 2 years ago, Phoebe Fox
Due to safety concerns and the inability to get a time estimate for power to be restored from PGE we will need to close school for Markham Middle School today. All students that are currently at school will be maintained in the cafeteria until they are able to be picked up. We apologize for these unforeseen circumstances and will let you know later today as to the power situation for tomorrow. Elementary schools will be operating as normal.
about 3 years ago, Phoebe Fox
Due to poor road conditions and trees down on roads outside of town as well as one of our schools being without power, ALL SCHOOLS in Placerville Union School District will be CLOSED TODAY, Tuesday December 14th. Thank you and be safe.
about 3 years ago, Larry Garcia
Parent Conferences Join us September 21-24, from 12:30pm - 3:30pm, in the MP room for parent conferences. No appointment needed! We hope to see you here!
over 3 years ago, Markham Panthers
Feed the Panther! Sept 20th - Oct 1st It's time for our one fundraiser for the year! You don't have to buy anything, just give us a donation! If we meet our goal of $2500, the first two school dances are free!
over 3 years ago, Markham Panthers
Panther mascot at morning drop off.
It has be decided that school for students will be held this Friday November 1st. The previously scheduled Staff Professional Development day has been rescheduled.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
We have been informed that if power is turned back on tonight it will be turned back off tomorrow morning around 4:30 AM. With the knowledge all schools will be closed tomorrow Tuesday October 29th.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
Due to continued power outages all schools will be closed tomorrow Monday, October 28th.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
We have been informed that power will be shut off to all school sites today after 2:00. We will monitor the situation and will notify tomorrow concerning the status of school on Monday.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
Due to power outage all schools will be closed tomorrow October 24th.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen
Power has been restored. School will be in session tomorrow Friday October 11th.
over 5 years ago, Eric Bonniksen