School Site Council

Louisiana Schnell Elementary School

School Site Council Meeting

Wednesday December 8th, 2021

4:00 pm

1. Call to order ā€“ Time:_______________  - Date:______________ - By Whom:_________________

2.  Pledge

3. Opportunity for Public Input (3 min./per person)

a) Agenda Items:

  • School Safety Plan for Approval ā€“ Time: 10 min.

Information Items:

1. Introduction and Review of the Single Plan for Student Achievement ā€“ Time: 15 min

2. AVID training ā€“ Time: 10 min.

3. Dual Immersion Language school visit toward the end of January ā€“ Time: 5 min. 

  • Adjournment ā€“ Time:_____________________

Louisiana Schnell Elementary School

School Site Council Meeting

Wednesday October 27, 2021

Time: 4:00 pm

Location: Schnell MP Room

1. Call to order ā€“ Time:_______________  - Date:______________ - By Whom:_________________

2. Pledge

3. Opportunity for Public Input

4. Agenda Items:

  • Elect New Members
  • Elect Officers
  • Select Chairperson
  • Orientation to School Site Council New Member
  • Purpose of School Site Councils ā€“ Presentation by Principal John Baker ā€“ Time: 10 min.
  • Roles ā€“ Time: 5 min.
  • Operating a School Site Council ā€“ Presentation by Principal John Baker ā€“ Time: 10 min.
  • Open meeting requirements ā€“ Presentation by Principal John Baker ā€“ Time: 5 min.
  • Federal Programs Funding Sources ā€“ Presentation by Principal John Baker ā€“ Time:10 min.

5. SSC calendar approval of date and time ā€“ Time: 5 min.

Information Item:

School Safety Plan Presented by John Baker ā€“ Time: 7 min.

6. Adjournment - Time:_______________________